Friday, February 7th, 2025
What We Do

We have conducted a great variety of people-management-oriented consultancy assignments in the UK, Europe, America and Africa, but these are our particular specializations.

Culture Change Programmes

Contrary to popular belief, culture is not some mysterious force abroad in companies which is next-to-impossible to shift. Culture is habits. Change the habits and you change the business. The habits and practices which got you where you are now may well need to change radically to make you successful in a rapidly changing world. But ‘getting rid’ of old habits is not the answer. Establishing new habits is what will take you to levels of performance you may never have reached before. That means articulating company goals that everyone can understand and identify with, and which every person in the business can do something about every day. It is only when the whole company is working with you that real culture change takes place, and becomes both firm and lasting.

Team Objectives Meetings

It is pretty common for managers to set objectives for individual members of their team. What is not at all common is for whole teams to agree team objectives to which the whole group will be committed. Yet enthusiastic teamwork can add a whole dimension of performance which simply can not be achieved by a set of individuals pursuing personal objectives. Rather than have managers struggle to co-ordinate the disparate individual activities of their departments, using a tried and proven system to establish clear team goals to which everyone is firmly committed, is much the more effective option. Our internationally tested TOM (Team Objectives Meeting) process can certainly help you with that.

Employee Attitude Surveys

Many Directors and managers we meet believe they know what their people are thinking without having to ask them. But when we ask managers to predict what scores they will actually get on key questions, we find that 90% of the time they are just plain wrong. The reality is often quite different. And if you don't know what that reality is, there is no way you can manage it effectively. If you are serious about managing your people well, you have to know the facts. When managers get the true facts into their hands, they start to manage differently, and better. It literally changes the business. Read more . . .

World Class Practices

It gave us great satisfaction when a client with whom we had been working won the title of 'Best Factory in Britain'. Since that time, we have been helping many other companies introduce the kind of world class practices that took them to these high levels of performance. Gleaned from world class companies around the world, these practices and techniques are surprisingly simple to implement, but they do make a huge difference to performance. Records start to be broken for product quality, for productivity, for on-time delivery. Customers start noticing the difference and begin making unsolicited compliments. Best of all . . . it can all be done at low cost from right inside the business.

Job Roles

In former times, job descriptions were used to define job roles. These were generally written as a series of activities, mostly in terms of '-ings' - such as plann-ing, organiz-ing, produc-ing, co-ordinat-ing, etc. Today, more and more companies are defining jobs in terms of their outputs i.e. the results expected of the job-holder in the post, their measurable contribution to the performance of the business as a whole. We know from experience that defining jobs in terms of Unique Contributions (UCs) and success measures definitely changes how individuals do their jobs. They begin to ask themselves questions like "What should I really be spending my time on to achieve the best results?" They soon realize that activities add cost, but only results add value. It brings a whole new focus to their work.

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