It's people that make the difference . . .

Friday, February 7th, 2025
This is the website of Good People Management International.

Our organization focuses on putting into the hands of our clients simple but powerful processes which will help them use the power in their people to deliver world-class performance. For a quick summary of our key specializations, click here.

Because we know the difference switched-on people just like these make to business performance, we are making available to you some of the same advice and ideas that we put into practice in our client companies.

Turned-on team Team celebrate Team-of-four

You can print out any article published here if you want to peruse it, or read it again in your own time. Feel free to distribute copies to your colleagues too if you think it might be useful.

We obviously have to do practical things when we are working with companies, so you will find all the advice here clear and practical enough to put into action straight away. Some of these approaches are in fact so simple, yet so powerful, you will use them for the rest of your life.

Feel free to put these ideas and techniques to work in your own company with our compliments. We have used and developed them over many years in real companies with real people, so we know that they work.

Current Features

Employees and The Rules of Engagement

We have all been made painfully aware of the ‘rules of engagement’ put into practice by our troops abroad. The rules of engagement are quite different when it comes to business organizations, but engaged employees can make a huge difference to their companies’ reputation, customer service and performance. That’s why it’s worth managers knowing the rules of employee engagement and how to put them into practice.

12 Rules That Create Great Front-Line Teamwork

Most managers believe that good teamwork among their front-line employees will deliver better and more consistent results. It does, but good teamwork doesn’t just happen by accident. It only happens when you put in place the conditions which encourage teamworking, and make it into an everyday habit.

Job Descriptions Are Old Hat

Old-style job descriptions may be useful to explain the job to new employees or to conduct some job evaluation exercise, but they do nothing to energise the business. In today’s competitive environment, job-holders need to know the results they need to achieve to justify their salary, how to serve the customers who get the results of their work, and what they can do to contribute to the performance of their company as a whole.

Click below to see previous features

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